Hostel Fecilities
The day begins for a boarder at 5.15 a.m. and ends at 10.00 p.m. In between, he has his prayers, studies, food, games and extra-curricular activities.
Sunday is a day of rest and outing for the boarders.
Parents visiting days are First Sunday of every month between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The boarding department makes every effort to provide the boys with a wholesome, homelike food and care.
Careful attention is given to the food so that students get a well-balanced diet.
Due to good climate, proper care and large sleeping rooms, the illnesses are very rare. At the time of sickness, the boys get the best of care and attention. Proper care is taken to attend to the needs of the sick. Seasonal fruits snaks and chats are also provided.
Prarthana Mandir